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SPEAKER & SPOKESPERSON LEAH INGRAM BIO,BACKGROUND AND EXPERTISE Do you want to work with Leah Ingram, a freelance writer, lifestyle and money-saving expert, and a real sophisticated consumer? Are you putting together a back-to-school or holiday shopping segment and need an expert to offer actionable, approachable tips? Do you want a lively personality to bring…

printables you can print out weekly workout schedule


Why did I create this page of printables? Well, I have discovered that so many of my blog readers love printables. Heck, I love them, too. Some of the printables here are free for you to download and print out. Others are ones I’ve created and are for sale on Etsy. Printables on Etsy I…

Best Peloton Classes

Looking for the best Peloton classes? The tipsheet below offers some of the all-time top, most favorite cycling and other classes from Peloton instructors. See you on the Leaderboard! #Leah_is_Pawsome You can click this link to download your own copy of this tipsheet.

Content Writer

Leah Ingram has two decades of experience in content marketing writing. In fact, content marketing was called custom publishing or custom content when Leah started writing magazine articles, website pieces, infographics, white papers, quizzes and other deliverables for her clients. Leah also has experience editing alumni publications and custom magazines. Content Marketing Expertise Leah has…