How to Find a Registry on Amazon
I’ve been getting lots of questions from readers about how to find an Amazon wish list registry on the site. If you’ve never tried to search Amazon registries, then you may be wondering, “How hard can it be?” I mean, I’m no newbie to gift registries.
In the past I’ve searched on and purchased from gift registries at Target and many other stores. Those are easy to navigate, straightforward registry programs. In addition, in the past, when doing holiday gift swaps or cookie exchange, I’ve created and used Amazon wish lists.
But finding someone’s Amazon’s gift registry? It’s not as easy as it seems. In fact, to write this article, I had to put a call out to my Facebook friends and subscribers for help.
Here’s what I sent to them:
“Do you have an Amazon registry (or know someone who does) and would be willing to share details with me so I can research this article?
Amazon registries requires this info in order to search it:
Registrant’s name
Event type (birthday, custom or holiday)
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I know–it shouldn’t be this hard to find someone’s gift registry.
Also, Amazon refers to registries and wish lists synonymously. Ugh!
I would really appreciate your help, if possible.”
Basics of searching an Amazon wish list registry
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It seems kind of crazy that it takes this much work to be able to buy a gift for someone who has registered on Amazon. So, once people replied to my request, I started plugging in details to search for their registries.
At first I tried to use as little information as possible so that hopefully I could report back on an easy hack for maneuvering these wish lists. Unfortunately, I can’t.
Trying to find a wedding registry
For example, a Facebook friend shared a wedding registry that she’d set up. Funny thing, she isn’t getting married. In fact, she’s been married as long as I have been–30 years. However, she has a vacation rental that she lets friends use for free. Afterwards, they’re always asking if they can buy her a thank you gift.
So, eventually she set up a gift registry on Amazon. At the time she’d set it up, the only option for a wish list like this was a wedding registry. So, that’s what hers is listed under.
Searching by name
Anyway, when I first searched for her name, I did not know that hers was a wedding registry. Without that information, Amazon wouldn’t let me search–even though I had her full name. Once I knew what kind of registry it was, I tried again. Still, I couldn’t find it. So, I went back and asked what state it had as being listed for. Even with info it still didn’t work.
Well, guess what? While she had made the gift list shareable, she hadn’t made it public. That was a big difference. Once she did that, I was able to locate her registry knowing the state it was in. Good thing, too, since she has a common name. In fact, there were almost a dozen results for her name.
Amazon hides wish list recipient addresses
Here’s something I think people will appreciate knowing. When you go to buy something off someone’s wish list registry, Amazon hides the recipient’s address. So, if you’re worried about privacy issues with making your registry public so people like me can find it, you don’t have to worry. We won’t be able to see your address.
This is what it looked like when I added the item to the cart and was asked about shipping addresses:
Also, as you go to add an item to your cart, you can check it off as being purchased. This is helpful for the recipient who might be keeping track of what people have bought off the registry.
Finally, you won’t be able to purchase items that are either out of stock or the requested amount has been met. This is how those “grayed out” options will appear on the Amazon wish list page.
How to find an Amazon registry link
After someone has created an Amazon wish list or gift registry, they’ll have the option to share a link with you. So, if you’re trying to find someone’s link, I would suggest checking your email first–even your spam folder. Chances are they will email you that link right after they registered. Otherwise, you’re going to have to go through the steps I’ve described above to search for their registry. And, if like my friend, the person hasn’t made their registry public, then you’re not going to be able to find it. That means you’ll need to message them (or a family member) for the link.
Again, why does Amazon make this so hard? I hope they’ll change this in the future so that looking up someone’s wish list is much easier.
Where to find Amazon registries and wish lists
Besides receiving a link from someone, there are two other ways that you can find a link to Amazon registries and wish lists. One, on your desktop, look to the left for the three lines and the word “All.” Click on that, scroll down to “Programs and Features” and there you’ll find “Gifting and Registry.”
Two, you can go into your own account. See the top right where it says “Hello, Leah, Account and Lists”? If you put your cursor over that, you’ll get a drop down box.
Under “Your Lists” look at the bottom for “Find a List or Registry.”
On mobile, things are a bit more straightforward. Once you launch the Amazon app, look at the bottom right for the three lines. Tap them and it will open up to “Your Shortcuts” and then “Shop by Category.” It shouldn’t be too hard to find the “Gifting & Registry” category that way.
Final thoughts on how to find a registry on Amazon
If you still have questions about how to find someone’s Amazon wish list or gift registry, please let me know.Also, did you know that an Amazon wedding registry has discounts and freebies for the registered couple? This article is all about wedding registry perks.
Finally, you can register for baby essentials on Amazon, too.